
Namespace : fire.model

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Name Summary
account An Account represents a financial account that describes the funds that a customer has entrusted to a financial institution in the form of deposits or credit balances.
account_base_rate The base rate represents the basis of the rate on the balance at the given date as agreed in the terms of the account.
account_capital_tier The capital tiers based on own funds requirements.
account_encumbrance_type The type of the encumbrance causing the encumbrance_amount.
account_guarantee_scheme The Government Deposit Scheme scheme under which the guarantee_amount is guaranteed.
account_interest_repayment_frequency Repayment frequency of the interest.
account_purpose The purpose for which the account was created or is being used.
account_rate_type Describes the type of interest rate applied to the account.
account_status Describes if the Account is active or been cancelled.
account_type This is the type of the account with regards to common regulatory classifications.
account_uk_funding_type Funding type calculated according to BIPRU 12.5/12.6
accounting_treatment The accounting treatment in accordance with IAS/IFRS9 accounting principles.
agreement An agreement represents the standard terms agreed between two parties.
agreement_credit_support_type The type of credit support document
agreement_margin_frequency Indicates the periodic timescale at which variation margin is exchanged. Cleared derivatives which are daily settled can be flagged as daily_settled.
agreement_netting_restriction populated only if any netting restriction applies, in relation to the nature of the agreement or the enforceability of netting in the jurisdiction of the counterparty, preventing the recognition of the agreement as risk-reducing, pursuant to CRR Articles 295 to 298
agreement_stay_protocol Indicates whether a stay protocol has been signed by one or both parties to the agreement.
agreement_type The type of the master agreement.
asset_class The asset class to which the derivative belongs.
asset_liability Is the data an asset, a liability, or equity on the firm’s balance sheet?
batch FIRE schema for representing bulk collections of bank objects.
collateral Data schema to define collateral (currently can reference loans or accounts).
collateral_encumbrance_type The type of the encumbrance causing the encumbrance_amount.
collateral_type The collateral type defines the form of the collateral provided
country_code Two-letter country code as defined according to ISO 3166-1 plus ISO allowed, user-assignable codes (AA, QM to QZ, XA to XZ, and ZZ).
cr_approach Specifies the approved credit risk rwa calculation approach to be applied to the exposure.
currency_code Currency in accordance with ISO 4217 standards plus CNH for practical considerations.
curve A Curve represents a series of points on a plot. Typically, interest rates, volatility or forward prices.
curve_type The curve type.
curve_values_reference The reference item for the value. (x-axis)
customer_clearing_threshold Status of the clearing threshold as defined in EMIR
customer_dbrs_lt DBRS long term credit ratings
customer_dbrs_st DBRS short term credit ratings
customer_fitch_lt Fitch long term credit ratings
customer_fitch_st Fitch short term credit ratings
customer_internal_rating Categorization of unrated exposure
customer_kbra_lt KBRA long term credit ratings
customer_kbra_st KBRA short term credit ratings
customer_moodys_lt Moody’s long term credit ratings
customer_moodys_st Moodys short term credit ratings
customer_nace_code The EU NACE economic activity classification.
customer_relationship Relationship to parent.
customer_reporting_relationship Relationship to reporting entity. See: relationship.
customer_scra Grade calculated using the Basel Standardised Credit Risk Assessment
customer_snp_lt S&P long term credit ratings
customer_snp_st S&P short term credit ratings
customer_status The status of the relationship with the customer from the firm’s point of view.
customer_type The designated financial or legal entity category this person or legal entity falls under
day_count_convention The methodology for calculating the number of days between two dates. It is used to calculate the amount of accrued interest or the present value.
derivative A derivative is a contract which derives its value from an underlying reference index, security or asset.
derivative_base_rate The base rate represents the basis of the rate on the balance at the given date as agreed in the terms of the financial product.
derivative_cash_flow A derivative cash flow where two parties exchange cash flows (or assets) derived from an underlying reference index, security or financial instrument.
derivative_cash_flow_leg The type of the payment leg.
derivative_cash_flow_purpose The purpose for which the derivative cash flow is calculated
derivative_cash_flow_settlement_type The type of settlement for the contract.
derivative_ccr_approach Specifies the approved counterparty credit risk methodology for calculating exposures.
derivative_leg_type Describe the payoff type of the derivative leg.
derivative_position Specifies the market position, i.e. long or short, of the derivative leg
derivative_purpose The purpose for which the derivative is being held.
derivative_settlement_type The type of settlement for the contract.
derivative_status Provides additional information regarding the status of the derivative.
derivative_type This is the type of the derivative with regards to common regulatory classifications.
derivative_underlying_index_tenor The designated maturity of the underlying interest rate index used in the underlying_index property for interest rate derivatives
entity Data schema to define a person or legal entity.
entity_dbrs_lt DBRS long term credit ratings
entity_dbrs_st DBRS short term credit ratings
entity_fitch_lt Fitch long term credit ratings
entity_fitch_st Fitch short term credit ratings
entity_internal_rating Categorization of unrated exposure
entity_kbra_lt KBRA long term credit ratings
entity_kbra_st KBRA short term credit ratings
entity_moodys_lt Moody’s long term credit ratings
entity_moodys_st Moodys short term credit ratings
entity_nace_code The EU NACE economic activity classification.
entity_relationship Relationship to parent.
entity_reporting_relationship Relationship to reporting entity. See: relationship.
entity_scra Grade calculated using the Basel Standardised Credit Risk Assessment
entity_snp_lt S&P long term credit ratings
entity_snp_st S&P short term credit ratings
entity_type The designated financial or legal entity category this person or legal entity falls under
example FIRE schema for representing and validating FIRE examples
exchange_rate An Exchange Rate represents the conversion rate between two currencies.
guarantor_dbrs_lt DBRS long term credit ratings
guarantor_dbrs_st DBRS short term credit ratings
guarantor_fitch_lt Fitch long term credit ratings
guarantor_fitch_st Fitch short term credit ratings
guarantor_internal_rating Categorization of unrated exposure
guarantor_kbra_lt KBRA long term credit ratings
guarantor_kbra_st KBRA short term credit ratings
guarantor_moodys_lt Moody’s long term credit ratings
guarantor_moodys_st Moodys short term credit ratings
guarantor_nace_code The EU NACE economic activity classification.
guarantor_relationship Relationship to parent.
guarantor_reporting_relationship Relationship to reporting entity. See: relationship.
guarantor_scra Grade calculated using the Basel Standardised Credit Risk Assessment
guarantor_snp_lt S&P long term credit ratings
guarantor_snp_st S&P short term credit ratings
guarantor_type The designated financial or legal entity category this person or legal entity falls under
impairment_status The recognition stage for the impairment/expected credit loss of the product.
impairment_type The loss event resulting in the impairment of the loan.
issuer_dbrs_lt DBRS long term credit ratings
issuer_dbrs_st DBRS short term credit ratings
issuer_fitch_lt Fitch long term credit ratings
issuer_fitch_st Fitch short term credit ratings
issuer_internal_rating Categorization of unrated exposure
issuer_kbra_lt KBRA long term credit ratings
issuer_kbra_st KBRA short term credit ratings
issuer_moodys_lt Moody’s long term credit ratings
issuer_moodys_st Moodys short term credit ratings
issuer_nace_code The EU NACE economic activity classification.
issuer_relationship Relationship to parent.
issuer_reporting_relationship Relationship to reporting entity. See: relationship.
issuer_scra Grade calculated using the Basel Standardised Credit Risk Assessment
issuer_snp_lt S&P long term credit ratings
issuer_snp_st S&P short term credit ratings
issuer_type The designated financial or legal entity category this person or legal entity falls under
loan Data schema defining the characteristics of a loan product.
loan_administration How the loan was administered by the lender.
loan_arrears_arrangement The arrangement the lender has made with the borrower regarding the amount referenced in the arrears_balance.
loan_base_rate The base rate represents the basis of the repayment rate on the borrowed funds at the given date as agreed in the terms of the loan.
loan_cash_flow A loan cash flow represents the future movement of cash as part of contractually agreed payments for an existing loan.
loan_cash_flow_type The type of the payment, signifying whether interest or principal is being paid.
loan_credit_process Identifier for how a loan is credit assessed during the underwriting process
loan_encumbrance_type The type of the encumbrance causing the encumbrance_amount.
loan_income_assessment Was the loan assessed against a single or joint incomes?
loan_interest_repayment_frequency Repayment frequency of the loan interest, if different from principal.
loan_movement The movement parameter describes how the loan arrived to the firm.
loan_originator_type The type of financial institution that acted as the originator of the loan product.
loan_provision_type The provision type parameter details the provisions the issuing firm has allocated to cover potential losses from issuing a loan.
loan_purpose The underlying reason the borrower has requested the loan.
loan_rate_type Describes the type of interest rate applied to the loan.
loan_repayment_frequency Repayment frequency of the loan.
loan_repayment_type Repayment type of the loan refers to whether the customer will be repaying capital + interest, just interest or a combination of the two.
loan_servicing The method by which the loan shall be repaid
loan_status Describes if the loan is active or been cancelled.
loan_transaction A Loan Transaction is an event that has an impact on a loan, typically the balance.
loan_transaction_type The type of impact on the balance of the loan.
loan_type The form of the loan product administered by the financial institution, with regards to common regulatory classifications.
regulatory_book The type of portfolio in which the instrument is held.
security A security represents a tradable financial instrument held or financed by an institution for investment or collateral.
security_base_rate The base rate represents the basis of the rate on the balance at the given date as agreed in the terms of the financial product.
security_call_type The call mechanism, if present, for the issuance. For securitisations and other callable securities.
security_capital_tier The capital tiers based on own funds requirements.
security_ccr_approach Specifies the approved counterparty credit risk methodology for calculating exposures.
security_dbrs_lt DBRS long term credit ratings
security_dbrs_st DBRS short term credit ratings
security_excess_spread_type Excess spread
security_fitch_lt Fitch long term credit ratings
security_fitch_st Fitch short term credit ratings
security_hqla_class What is the HQLA classification of this security?
security_interest_repayment_frequency Repayment frequency of the interest.
security_kbra_lt KBRA long term credit ratings
security_kbra_st KBRA short term credit ratings
security_moodys_lt Moody’s long term credit ratings
security_moodys_st Moodys short term credit ratings
security_movement The movement parameter describes how the security arrived to the firm.
security_purpose The purpose for which the security is being held.
security_repayment_type The repayment or amortisation mechanism of the security or securitisation.
security_retention_type The repayment or amortisation mechanism of the security or securitisation.
security_securitisation_type The type of securitisation with regards to common regulatory classifications.
security_seniority The seniority of the security in the event of sale or bankruptcy of the issuer.
security_sft_type The sft_type parameter defines the transaction mechanism conducted for the SFT for this security product.
security_snp_lt S&P long term credit ratings
security_snp_st S&P short term credit ratings
security_status Provides additional information regarding the status of the security.
security_type This is the type of the security with regards to common regulatory classifications.