


A loan cash flow represents the future movement of cash as part of contractually agreed payments for an existing loan.

Local Fields

Name Datatype Description
date datetime

The observation or value date for the data in this object. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ in accordance with ISO 8601.

amount int

The size of the cash flow. Monetary type represented as a naturally positive integer number of cents/pence denominated in the currency code.

id string

The unique identifier for the record within the firm.

source string ?

The source(s) where this data originated. If more than one source needs to be stored for data lineage, it should be separated by a dash. eg. Source1-Source2

version_id string ?

The version identifier of the data such as the firm's internal batch identifier.

type  fire.model.loan_cash_flow_type

The type of the payment, signifying whether interest or principal is being paid.

currency_code  fire.model.currency_code
payment_date datetime

The timestamp that the cash flow will occur or was paid. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ in accordance with ISO 8601.

loan_id string

The unique identifier for the affected loan/s within the financial institution.