Example ALFA Models


Once you have some backgound about Schemarise and ALFA, you may be curious about how your data models may appear in ALFA.

The next best thing to looking at your own models in ALFA, is looking at models you might be familar with.

ALFA supports importing schemas from a variety of existing formats. Support to enable ALFA to import an existing format can be completed in a matter of weeks.

This site contains examples of external models which are available freely, imported into ALFA.

Unlike other Data Modelling, Governance, Onotology, or Lineage capture products, ALFA goes further to enable an end-to-end Data Architecture solution.

Capabilities at-a-glance

Fully Imported Model Examples

You may never have heard of these formats and models, or you might be an industry leading expert on them!

Either way, consider the tremendous benefit of having your organisational models in a similar layout, and reusing other industry models, visible to all stakeholders, and help deliver business applications.

Some CDM to ALFA converted functions have been marked '???' to indicate they have failed ALFA's strict compilation following automated conversion, therefore commented out. This occurrs due to logic in CDM permitting unrelated type cardinality (e.g. [0..1], [1..1], [*..*]) values being considered equivalent in comparison and assignment logic. These can be manually fixed in ALFA after the automatic import, or better yet, corrected in FINOS CDM.

The imported models are shown for demostration purposes only. Their use as examples should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation.

Showcase Data Models